

“The world may be a desert, but the sound of this calligraphy tells you that oases still exist!”
S.W.E.N. is the 6th release of the Swiss-based quartet Asita Hamidi’s Bazaar. Paying tribute to the four points of the compass, the music oscillates between northern lights and the orient. It is also a celebration of more than 10 years of creating spellbinding Bazaarmusic. The repertory is a truly unique combination of virtuoso musicianship, enchanting melodies, extraordinary instrumentation and masterly vocals.
Bazaar’s music is a display of passion, magnificent creativity and a winning sense of humor. Originating from different cultures - partly very diverse and distant, like Sweden, Switzerland and Iran – they have managed to find a common source of inspiration. Heritage, musical openness and the urge to explore, provide the basis for their compositions and improvisations.
Their peerless sound-aesthetic, developed over years of intimate collaboration, has become an unmistakeable trademark: – „BAZAAR MUSIC“!
At the heart of it all is always the actual playing together and the wish to explore any common grounds of allegedly different cultures – the global language of music.
Asita Hamidi – el.concert harp, dændji & vocal
Björn Meyer – ac. 6 string bass guitar & elec. upright bass
Kaspar Rast - drums & percussion
Bruno Amstad - vocal & human soundeffects
