Where Can I Go

Where Can I Go

JEZREEL, which means "God Plants", is a year-round, full-time traveling Christian evangelism music ministry that God has called to speak and sing in the small communities in Canada and the US to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things, for the joy of all peoples, through Jesus Christ.

They remain open to the Lord's leading and will travel wherever and whenever He leads. Their presentations are usually either in and through evangelical churches, adult rehabilitation centers, or at events such as summer Bible camps, jamborees, community and youth/teen/young adult outreaches, coffeehouses, concerts, conferences and music festivals.

They are also a traveling Bible school, training up young musicians traveling with the group to be effective in ministry in the various environments.

They are accomplished musicians, utilizing many types of musical instruments in their performances and recordings. If you like contemporary Christian music, you're going to want this album, and you'll also want to che
