Feather, Breath, Mirror: Music By Eric Chasalow

Feather, Breath, Mirror: Music By Eric Chasalow

feather, breath, mirror

Due (Cinta)mani (2002) for piano and fixed media 7:15
Vicki Ray, piano

I. Three Symbolic Gestures 4:26
II. Cloudbands 2:49

Recorded March 2005 at Slosberg Music Center, Brandeis University.
Brad Michael, engineer
Eric Chasalow, producer

Due (Cinta)mani (2002) is a piece for piano soloist (due mani) combined with electronic sounds that modulate and transform the piano timbres, the attack and decay characteristics, and the shapes of entire gestures or even whole phrases. I wanted to write a very economical piece where every note would count and every electronic sound would be an essential, integrated part of the phrase. The use of electronics also gave me two capabilities not otherwise available to the piano – microtones and portimenti. The piano starts with
a single pitch D, but played as an harmonic, giving it a pure, unpianistic sound. The melodies then fan out from this D, but the D itself is repeated over and over, each time with a different mode of articulation, a change in
