

HOWITZER is an up and coming band from Phoenix, Arizona that is hitting the music scene faster than an adrenaline rush to the head. Howitzer began in 2001 as a standard punk band by the name of Feedback with members Jeremy Jalowiec (drums), Matt Moody (guitar) and Beau Diveley (bass). Their sound was a popular one which was prevalent throughout the music scene in Phoenix. But this band wanted something more unique; something that the local scene hadnt come across yet in the mainstream music scene.
In 2003 they began pulling away from the punk and falling into the metal scene. Thus, they changed their name to Howitzer and began experimenting with a harder, thrashier sound. With influences from prevailing bands such as Pantera, Black Flag, and Slayer, Howitzer gives their listeners the sound that they ask for. Their fast-paced, hammering tone practically slaughters any competition that arises. Their music was meant for the metal heads that were born to rock and roll. If you havent heard of Howitzer, now is the
