Dark-red Rose Encore 2

Dark-red Rose Encore 2


Concert virtuoso - Chamber musician - Arranger - Author - Educator

Friedrich Lips was born on November 18, 1948, in the city of Yemanzhelinsk near Chelyabinsk - around 1,500 kilometers east of Moscow on the eastern side of the Ural Mountains bordering the Asian part of the Soviet Union - to Russian parents of German descent. In 1967, he completed his education at the Glinka Music School in Magnitogorsk, majoring in bayan and conducting under the tutelage of E. Kudinov. Subsequently, lie studied at the National Gnesin Institute for Music Education, where he became master student under Sergey Kolobkov, passed his examinations in bayan and conducting in 1972, and became assistant professor in 1974.

Even before completing his studies, Lips started teaching at the Gnessin Institute in 1971. In 1980, he was named assistant professor and in 1989 full professor. Since 1996, he has been director of the Folks Instrument Department - to which the bayan-accordion belongs - a well-known institution that
