Joana Zimmer
眼前的黑暗永远阻挡不了心底的光芒 ,Joana Zimmer,她来自德国,是一位惹人怜惜的盲人歌手。 这是一张不错的专辑,流畅的节奏,清新的曲风,再加上歌者独特的演绎!相信你也会被吸引!“Joana Zimmer的嗓音很棒,棒得有人将Joana Zimmer称作德国的Celine Dion” 个人认为将她和Celine相提并论,确实是因为她的声线有Celine的味道,但Joana的音域俨然没有Celine的宽广,但却比Celine多了几分浑厚,甜美。不过值得一提的是Joana从小在美国长大,她的英文发音比Celine要精确些 出生在德国的弗莱堡,JOANA ZIMMER在美国和英国长大,从小学习两中语言.许多年前,她搬到了柏林居住.打小开始,她就致力于自己在音乐上的发展.她在柏林合唱团中所受到的声乐训练极大地影响了她的音乐生涯.15岁的时候,JOANA已经在许多有名的爵士乐俱乐部里演出过.她也继续孜孜不倦于自己在唱歌上的发展.她独立组织在俱乐部和知名酒店里的演出,把积攒下来的钱制作了她的第一张DEMO小样. 除了在音乐上的发展之外,JOANA还致力于成为国际克里斯朵夫盲人协会的亲善大使.她出访肯尼亚,并帮助那里的残疾人.在她为筹集善款之旅中,她曾举行过慈善演出,曾访问过医院,曾和当地的医生、政客交流,也曾和德国驻肯尼亚大使就未来的慈善计划进行了一番探讨。 German pop vocalist Joana Zimmer was born in Freiburg before relocating with her family to the U.S. Zimmer lived stateside long enough to speak fluent, accent-free English before returning to Germany to begin her musical studies. Starting with the renowned Berliner Choir at a young age provided a strong foundation for the budding artist. By the age of 15, Zimmer had branched out into the world of jazz and pop vocals. She performed regularly at popular jazz clubs and hotels while modeling on the side, saving her earnings toward the recording of her first demo. Her strong voice and professional experience opened doors at Universal Music, which released Zimmer's debut, My Innermost, in 2005. Contributors like Burt Bacharach, Andreas Carlsson (Celine Dion, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, etc.), and Gary Barlow got behind the project, writing repertoire and producing the record, which made it to Billboard's European Top 100 Albums chart. The single "I Believe" went directly to the national Top Ten. Her sophomore release was met with similar enthusiasm. The Voice in Me, featuring Zimmer's second hit single, "Bringing Down the Moon," made it to Billboard's European Top 100 Albums chart in 2007. Though she has yet to make international waves, Zimmer continues to perform to large audiences throughout Germany.