罗维被认为是她这一代最重要的年轻钢琴家之一,美国圣地亚哥论坛报称:“注定会成为明星”。作为格拉夫曼和麦克唐纳教授的得意门生之一,毕业于顶尖学府柯蒂斯音乐学院,被纽约古典音乐电台WQXR评全球最值得关注的19位艺术家之一,17岁签约美国环球音乐,同年获美国吉尔莫杰出青年艺术家奖,首张个人同名专辑《Wei Luo》发行后获英国《留声机》等权威刊物的关注与好评。16岁获纽约“Salon de Virtuosi” 杰出青年艺术家奖。11岁获波兰肖邦青少年与德国拉赫玛尼诺夫青少年钢琴比赛第一名, 同年在上海东方艺术中心的上海爱乐乐团开幕音乐会上演绎《普罗科菲耶夫第三协奏曲》。 2023年罗维成为施坦威全球艺术家,由国家大剧院唱片公司发行《罗维:凝望》专辑,荣登苹果音乐2023年度最佳歌曲top100,并获得QQ音乐2023年度巅峰榜《古典乐专辑》。全国巡演《凝望·东方》正在进行中,此前《黎明之际》与《冰火之歌》独奏音乐会已到访超三十城。 近期,罗维受邀参演中国外交部2024对外招待会、中国国家大剧院新年音乐会与北京市新年音乐会,春节期间在纽约世贸中心举办《凝望·东方》独奏会。 她还与各大交响乐团多次合作:美国圣地亚哥交响乐团、美国奥兰多爱乐乐团, 纽约州立交响乐团、国家大剧院交响乐团、中国交响乐团、上海交响乐团、广州交响乐团、深圳交响乐团、苏州交响乐团、上海爱乐乐团宁波交响乐团等,足迹遍及纽约、上海、北京、旧金山、圣地亚哥、费城、夏威夷、纳帕溪谷、瑞士琉森、夏威夷等,她与指挥家吕嘉、余隆、Michael Stern, David Alan Miller,Jahja Ling,Mark Russell Smith, 陈燮阳、张国勇、李心草、黄屹、汤沐海、林大叶、俞极、孙一凡、钱骏平等合作。 音乐之外,罗维的诗歌入选《时间之外的马车:中国诗歌学会2021年度诗选》。2023年4月,罗维携美国theBLANC艺术空间在纽约策划并举办了跨界艺术合作实验,将诗歌、音乐、3D影像、装置等艺术融合一体的沉浸艺术展。此前关注精神与睡眠健康,罗维在2021年疫情期间,为美国环球音乐录制发行格莱美获奖作曲家Christopher Tim《夜曲》。 Wei Luo, recognized as one of the most significant pianists of her generation. “ Wei is doomed to be a star." ---said by San Diego Union Tribune. As a graduate of the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, she studied with Gary Graffman and Robert McDonald.At age of 17, she signed with Universal Music Group and was recognized by NYC classical radio station WXQR as one of the 19 artists to watch. Her self-titled debut album《Wei Luo》was released UMG Decca Gold label. The album was featured by Gramophone Magazine as one of the most exciting new releases. Wei became a Steinway global artist from 2023, and the album "Wei Luo: Staring" was released by the National Grand Theatre Record Company, which topped the best 100 songs of 2023 on Apple Music, and won the "Classical Music Album" on the QQ Music 2023 Peak list. Recently, Wei was invited to perform in the 2024 China National center for the Performing Arts new year concert, 2024 reception of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, and 2024 Beijing new year concert. She held a recital of "Staring at the East" at the World Trade Center in New York during the Spring Festival. Within the past two years, Wei gave a 30 concert solo recital tour throughout China’s major cities and venues. She performed with leading orchestras and conductors including San Diego Symphony, Orlando Philharmonic, NY Albany Symphony, National Center of Performing Arts Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony, Guangzhou Symphony, Shenzhen Symphony etc. More than once, she was invited by Maestro Lv Jia, Long Yu, Jahja Ling, Michael Stern, David Alan Miller, Mark Russell Smith, Xieyang Chen, Guoyong Zhang, Xincao Li, Muhai Tang, Ji Yu, Yi Huang, Yifan Sun, Musen Lin, Ding Yuan, Junping Qian and etc,. She made her orchestra debut at age 11 with the Shanghai Philharmonic performing Prokofiev Concerto No. 3 at the Shanghai Oriental Art Center. Prior to the pandemic, Wei made her debut with the San Diego Symphony, Orlando Philharmonic, NY Albany Symphony, Quad City Symphony, the Kansas City Symphony, Denver Philharmonic, and etc,.Wei has performed solo recitals in major cities and music festivals, including Lucerne Switzerland, New York City (Mostly Mozart Festival and the NY International Keyboard Festival), San Francisco Herbst Theater, Napa Valley Music Festival, Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival and Gilmore Keyboard Festival, Hawaii music festival. Beyond music, she is a published poet and her poetry was selected into the China National Poetry Selection of 2021. For World Sleep Day 2021, Wei participated in a campaign by Universal Music Group, she recorded “Nocturne” by Grammy award winning composer Christopher Tin. In April 2022 NYC, she presented an immersive experimental show combines her poetry, 3D visuals, dance and installations.