Fenrir是北欧神话中的恶狼,破坏及灾难之神洛基和女巨人安格尔伯达的子女。不过这支乐队一点也不恶狼,女主唱甜美娇柔的嗓音真是让人透不过气.Fenrir was created in 03/2006 when Sylvère and Quentin met. After a lot of changes of line up, Fenrir is now complete and ready more than ever to play gigs anytime. Our EP Frozen Flower is still available, and we can send it to you across the world (and much further!) If you need a band anytime, don't be shy, and book us! Fenrir's metal is at the same time heavy and aerial. Using Elsa's soprano voice with power guitars in an Iron Maiden's style, mixed with a celtic tone given by the violin, it creates something new, at the same time powerful and onirical. Let your imagination slip into our faries tales and enchanted songs!