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Juliette Lewis

Juliette Lewis(朱丽叶特·刘易斯 )是美国著名演员和时尚界的潮流人物,她曾获过奥斯卡、金球奖和艾美奖的提名,她曾主演过马丁·斯科塞斯导演的名作《恐怖角》、奥利佛·斯通导演的名作《天生杀人狂》、昆汀·塔伦蒂诺成名编剧作品《杀出个黎明》、约翰尼·德普和莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥的影片《不一样的天空 》、布拉德皮特的成名作《加州杀手》和传奇科幻电影《末世纪暴潮》等多部经典影片。 Juliette Lewis曾为电子乐团The Prodigy2004年专辑《Always Outnumbered》里面的三首歌曲担任女声。 Juliette Lewis 曾担任美国服饰品牌GAP担任广告片女主角。 2005年Juliette Lewis荣登《滚石》杂志封面。 2006年《BLENDER》杂志把她赞誉为摇滚史上最火热的女艺人。   by David Jeffries She's played quite a few high-energy freaks for Hollywood, but none of her silver screen characters can prepare audiences for the over-the-top ferociousness Juliette Lewis unleashes when fronting her band, the New Romantiques. Lewis' first public flirtations with rock & roll can be traced back to 1994 when she appeared in the video for Melissa Etheridge's "Come to My Window." A year later she was singing PJ Harvey's "Hardly Wait" in the film Strange Days, but musical aspirations would only be hinted at for the next eight years. Film work took up Lewis' time until she took a break from it in 2003. That year she appeared in the video for H.I.M.'s "Buried Alive by Love" and rounded up her first four-piece band, the Licks. It was at Johnny Depp's club, the Viper Room, that audiences first got to hear the Van Halen-meets-Iggy Pop sound of the Licks and the first time they got to hear the songs Lewis had been writing with hit songwriter Linda Perry. The band toured the West Coast hard for the next year with Lewis hitting the stage in spandex, high-heeled boots, and other attire that shouted "rocker." Audience and critical reaction to the Licks' live show varied from positive to blown away. In September 2004, Lewis appeared as vocalist and co-songwriter on the Prodigy's album Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned. A month later the Licks' debut EP, ...Like a Bolt of Lightning, was released on Fiddler Records. More touring -- including a stint on the tenth annual Vans Warped Tour -- followed before Juliette and the Licks released their full-length debut, You're Speaking My Language, in May 2005. The band hit the road again to support the album and began writing songs for their sophomore release along the way. Their drummer split by the end of the tour, but Nirvana/Foo Fighters drummer Dave Grohl saved the day. While he had originally planned to just help with some demos, he stayed with the band for the recording of the album Four on the Floor, which was released in late 2006. The Four on the Floor DVD was released in December 2007. In 2009 she returned with a new band, the New Romantiques. plus a new album. Terra Incognita, meaning "unknown territory. The title was fitting as the sound was much different than her previous work, thanks in part to the album's producer, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez of the Mars Volta.


