At Vance
At Vance这个充满文艺复兴气息的德国旋律速度金属乐团,以新古典曲风为其音乐主轴,他们成立於1998年,有著六人的编制,原始团员分别是主奏吉他手兼团长Olaf Lenk、主唱Oliver Hartmann、节奏吉他Rainald Konig、键盘Ulli Muller、贝斯Jochen Schnur和鼓手Jurgen Lucas。1999年他们被德国的Shark Records所发掘,并于9月发行了第一张专辑"No Escape",很明显的他们的音乐风格带有相当浓厚的巴洛克风味,就像是Yngwie Malmsteen、Deep Purple、Rainbow、Dio。2000年3月第二张专辑”Heart Of Steel”发行,於全世界获得良好的销售成绩,并被钗h重金属杂志所报导,2001年3月第三张作品"Dragonchaser"发表,并展开全球巡回演唱,这时他们在日本和欧洲已经有了相当高的知名度。2002年底发表精选辑"Early Works–Centers"。2002年他们更换东家,加入了德国金属名厂AFM,於4月发行了第五张专辑”Only Human”,同时主唱Oliver也出席由Edguy团长Tobias Sammet所统筹的金属歌剧Avantasia I & II,和Empty Tremor团长Daniele Liverani所编导的摇滚歌剧GENIUS Rock Opera Episode I & II。之后Oliver Hartmann受邀加入意大利金属名团Empty Tremor,遗缺由前Yngwie Malmsteen主唱Mats Leven替补,贝斯手更换为John A B C Smith (Ex-Gallows Pole; Ex-Scanner)鼓手更换为Jacky Voutay。 At Vance於2003年底发表最新专辑"The Evil In You",专辑全长66分钟,包含14首精采佳作 Fallen Angel、Broken Vow、The Evil in You、Stronger than You Think、The Curtain Will Fall、. One Million Miles、Right or Wrong、Shining Star、Streets of My Dreams、Caprice No. 16、Princess of Ice、Angel of The Dark、You Will Never Take My Soul、N.O.W。 德国的金属乐团一向兼具旋律性和速度感,At Vance不但拥有上述优点,更添加了巴洛克的古典风味,和声小调音阶和多利安音阶巧妙的运用在他们的音乐里,让”艾凡斯”拥有自己的风格,本专辑是所有喜爱旋律金属和新古典金属乐迷们的必听之作。Germany's At Vance was formed by vocalist Oliver Hartmann (ex-Centers) and guitarist Olaf Lenk (ex-Velvet Viper) in 1998, and with such credentials on their resumes, they soon obtained a deal with Shark Records. Rainald Konig (guitar), Ulli Muller (keyboards), Jochen Schnur (bass) and Spoony (drums) rounded out the line-up that recorded 1999's No Escape debut -- a standard-issue product of melodic Germanic power metal if ever there was one. European fans lapped it up, and the group's second opus, 2000's Heart of Steel (featuring new drummer Jurgen Lucas) was a surprise hit in Japan and encouraged At Vance to quickly issue a follow-up in 2001's Dragonchaser. Barely pausing for breath, the next year saw the band switching to AFM Records, losing their bassist and keyboard player, releasing their fourth album Only Human, then hitting the road across Europe with Rhapsody and Angel Dust. A number of personnel changes ensued in 2003, as At Vance welcomed new vocalist Mats Leven and bassist ascha Feldmann before recording their next L.P. The Evil in You.