

1990年,怀着对基督的怨恨和蔑视,MARDUK渴望创造出人类历史上最为邪恶的音乐。1991年,MARDUK发表了一张DEMO《FUCK ME JESUS》,不久,在地下乐队中引起了不小的反响,此后,乐队计划录制一张7寸的黑胶EP唱片《HERE’S NO PEACE》,但不久他们和NO FASHIONS公司签订了出唱片的合同,所以取消了原来的计划。1992年,MARDUK辗转各地录制了乐队首张专辑《DARK ENDLESS》,此张专辑被NO FASHIONS公司在同年的12月份发表。 1993年,乐队与NO FASHIONS公司产生矛盾并且转签了一家法国公司OSMOSE PRODUCTIONS, 随后乐队在此家公司发表了他们的第二张专辑《THOSE OF THE UNLIGHT》,1994年,MARDUK第一次参加了一个在挪威举行的重金属音乐节,同年5月和月,乐队和同公司的IMMORTAL一同进行了一个名为“SON OF NORTHERN DARKNESS”的欧洲巡回演出。93年秋天,乐队完成新专辑《OPUS NOCTURNE》的录制并于年末发表。1995年2月,MARDUK第二次欧洲巡回演出开始,这次演出被命名为“THE WINTER WAR”,一同参加的还有ENSLAVED乐队。这次演出其实也是为乐队重新发表小专辑《FUCK ME JESUS》作宣传。但由于封面的关系,此张专辑被禁止在6个国家发行。6月初,乐队在墨西歌城进行了一次演出,剩下的时间则用来准备下一张专辑。Marduk 现场演出照(20张)1996年2月,MARDUK再一次进入录音棚录制他们的新专辑《HEAVEN SHALL BURN…WHEN WE ARE GATHERED》,此张专辑创下了乐队销量的新纪录,同时在BLACKMETAL界也被认为是一座里程碑。乐队在专辑中表现出了出色的个人技术,并很少有在整张专辑中表现出如此的杀气腾腾。秋天,乐队与GEHENNA、MYSTICUM一起进行了一次很长时间的巡回演出,在演出途中,乐队又发表了一张小专辑《GLORIFICATION》,其中包括了乐队翻唱的BATHORY,PILEDRIVER和DESTRUCTION的曲目。97年春天,乐队又一次进行了名为“LEGION”的欧洲巡回演出,此后,乐队发行了一张现场专辑《LIVE IN GERMANIA》,此张现场包括了乐队在德国等三个国家的现场录音,11月,乐队在瑞典新成立的小公司SHADOW REC。发行了他们早期作品专辑《HERE’S NO PEACE》,之后,乐队开始着手准备《HEAVEN。。。》的续章《NIGHTWING》。Marduk Tattoo照片(14张)1998年,《NIGHRWING》终于与歌迷们见了面,整张专辑分为两个部分分别命名为:“DICTIONARIE INFERNAL”和“THE WARLORD OF WALLACHIA”。第一部分包括了“PRELUDIUM”、“BLOODTIDE(XXX)”、“OF HELLS FIRE”、“SLAY THE NAZARENE”和“NIGHWING”五首残酷以极的急速歌曲。而第二章的“DREAMS OF BLOOD AND IRON”、“DRACOLE WAYDA”、“KAZIKLU BEY/THE LORD IMPALER”、“DEME QUADEN THYRANE”、“ANNO DOMINI 1476”五首歌曲则反映了VLAD TEPES DRACULEA(中世纪著名的吸血鬼)一生的残酷行径。整张专辑完全表现出了MARDUK作为一支反对基督BLACKMETAL乐队的主题思想。  1999年,乐队在无任何提前宣传下出版了新专辑《PANZER DIVISION MARDUK》,此张专辑只有不到30分钟的时间,8首歌一气呵成,这次乐队以战争为主题,提倡战争是洗涤人类污秽思想的捷径,一切尽在毁灭中重生。MARDUK作为一支瑞典乐队曾经被人们称为瑞典的挪威乐队,原因是他们不象一般的瑞典BLACKMETAL乐队那样比较注重吉它演奏的旋律感,相反MARDUK的音乐中却充满了早期BLACKMETAL的原始性,而且在他们的新作中体现的更加强烈,这似乎说明乐队开始向根源BLACKMETAL发展。这也正是MARDUK所吸引人的地方。乐队在《HEAVEN。。。》这张专辑中曾经明确宣布整张专辑没有运用合成器,也就是说,所有BLACKMETAL中采用大量合成器的潮流背道而驰,当你在欣赏这张专辑的时候,你会被MARDUK那种原始的野性所震撼,在MARDUK众多专辑中,无疑《HEAVEN。。。》是最出色的一张,同时,在BLACKMETAL史上,此张专辑也可谓是经典之作。而在其后的《NIGHTWING》则在《HEAVEN。。。》的基础上显得过于单调,但每一首歌曲假如你仔细品味的话,也会发现不失为佳作,尤其是第二部分,慢板的节奏配以雷鸣般的吉它,将中世纪的黑暗刻画的淋漓尽致。MARDUK在黑暗中作了这么长时间的文章,终于在1999年的最新专辑中改变了内容,而这一改变仿佛给人一种感觉——MARDUK终于将真实的思想展露了出来,在有些人看来用一张坦克的照片作为专辑封面似乎有些可笑,但如果你能够体会到战争的残酷,那么你再看到它时就笑不出来了,你可能会惊讶的发现原来MARDUK想要再一次掀起大战,而且战争是由邪恶挑起的,而最终邪恶将战胜所谓的“正义”。所以,MARDUK的音乐是严肃的,无论世界如何改变,这些来自撒旦的军团中的战士都将用他们自己的形式战斗到底——HAIL SATAN!HAIL BLACK WORLD!!Current line-up Morgan "Evil" Steinmeyer Håkansson - Guitars (Abruptum, Devil's Whorehouse, Damien (Swe), Moses)Daniel "Mortuus" Rosten - Vocals (2004-) (Triumphator (Swe), Funeral Mist (Swe))Magnus "Devo" Andersson - Bass (2004-) (also Guitars 1992-1994) (Cardinal Sin (Swe), Sargatanas Reign, IXXI (Session), Overflash, Allegiance (Swe))Lars Broddesson - Drums (2006-) (Excessum (Swe), Absurdeity, Ofermod (Live)) Marduk was a Babylonian Sky God who created the earth and sky from the body of the great dragon Tiamat who was the mother of all beings.TIMELINE 1990 - Morgan who desires to create the most brutal and blasphemous metal act ever forms Marduk. 1991 - “Fuck Me Jesus” is being released. - Records but choose not to release the 7” “Here’s No Peace”. - Plays their first, now considered cult, shows. 1992 - Debut album “Dark Endless” is recorded in June and released during the winter solstice. - All through the year Marduk performs on various locations in Sweden rapidly adding followers and supporters to their fanbase. 1993 - No Fashion rips the band off badly. - Sign a record deal with French label Osmose. - The 2nd fullenght album “Those of the Unlight” is released in October.1994 - The first Marduk gig abroad takes place at a Black Metal festival in Oslo, Norway in April. - Quickly there after; during May and June, Marduks first European tour entitled “Son’s of Northern Darkness” is done. - During falltime the third fullengt album “Opus Nocturne” is recorded and land on the recordshelves by the end of the year. 1995 - European headlining tour “Winter War” takes place in February. - “Fuck Me Jesus” is re-released as a MCD in April. - First time on the other side of the Atlantic. Plays one show is Mexico City in June. - Visit the Abyss for the first time to re-mix “Those of the Unlight”1996 - Change of studio to the Abyss to record “Heaven Shall Burn…When We Are Gathered” in February. - “Heaven…” is released in June. - The, up until then, most extensive European tour is being launched in September. - “Glorification”, a MCD with a remix from “Heaven…” plus covered songs by Bathory, Destruction and Piledriver is released during the tour. 1997 - Attacking Europe again in the spring on the shorter “Legion” tour. - Releasing a live album recorded on the 1996 “Heaven…” tour entitled “Germania”. - Play direct support to legendary Black Metal act Mayhem on their re-union gig in East Germany. - The Swedish label Shadow Records releases ”Here’s No Peace”. - During October/November Marduk perpetuates the long-awaited precursor of “Heaven…” called “Nightwing”. 1998 - “Nightwing” hit the stores during spring. - Participates on the No Mercy Festival the week after the album release to support the new record. - Spearheading the “Black Metal Assault Tour” all through Europe during autumn. 1999 - Enter the studio once again to record the all-blasting “Panzer Division Marduk” - Tour in Scandinavia, Greece and Japan. - Participates in numerous festivals during the summer; e.g. Dynamo where Marduk is the headlining act on the Black Stage. - The MCD “Obedience” is recorded. - Another 7 week headlining tour is done in the fall. 2000 - Puts out “Obedience” on own label Blooddawn Productions. - Joins in with Deicide and Cannibal Corpse for a shorter spring tour. - Ends the co-operation with Osmose. - Returns to Mexico for a two-week tour. - Appears on most of the big summer festivals, amongst others Wacken Oper Air, With Full Force and Waldrock. - Play a 10-year celebration show in hometown Norrköping on Halloween. - Release the double disc live album “Infernal Eternal” the same night. - Records Marduk ..7 – “La Grande Danse Macabre” in December.2001 - Visit the studio again for some miscellaneous recordings. - “La Grande…” is released on the fifth of March. - Headline a 31 show European tour. - Tour the US together with Deicide. - Headline one of the stages at the Graspop Metal Meeting. - Assembles and pre-produces the box set “Blackcrowned” - Play a shorter headlining tour and joins teams with metals heaviest acts on the X-mass Festivals through Europe. 2002 - Forced to cancel US headlining tour. - Release the box set in February. - Freddy is dismissed from the band. - Emil Dragutinovic is drafted as a new drummer. - Plays With Full Force festival in Germany and Tuska open air in finland. - Records Marduk fullenght album ..8 – “World Funeral” - Play direct support to Danzig in Europe - Co-headline the annual X-mass festivals. 2003 -World Funeral is released during February and is followed by a 31 date European headlining tour. - In August Marduk headlines the Party San Open Air Festival/Germany - Morgan records material for a planned 4 track Marduk ep entitled “ Porträtt Av Döda Barn”/Portraits Of Dead Children. A recording that up to this day has remained unreleased. - During October Marduk do a South American Tour covering new areas as Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and A glorious return to Mexico. - In December vocalist Legion is out of the band. 2004 - During January Morgan records a 3 track Marduk demo entitled Todes Reich together with a drum machine and lays the bass and handles the vocal duties himself. - Vocalist Mortuus joins the band. - The DVD Funeral Marches and Warsongs is released during February. - Headlines the Motala Metal Festival/Sweden in May. - The Band enter the local Endarker studio for a pre production of the upcoming album, know as the Hastfer Session. Marduk likes the atmosphere in the studio and decides to record the album there. - B.War is being replaced on the bass by returning long time member Devo. - Spends the summer recording the new album. - Headlines the Agglutination festival in Southern Italy. - Holds a listening session for selected journalists in Hamburg/Germany in September and performs a special concert for them invited. - New album, fullenght nr 9 named Plague Angel is unleashed upon mankind in late November. - Marduk headlines the annual Xmas festival package in Europe. - The band also release a special limited tour ep entitled Deathmarch, which also is the name of the tour. 2005 - The band prepares to continue touring in support of the new album, but is being delayed by drummer Emil Dragutinovic breaking his arm in a fight. - The band do a triumphant apperance at the Wacken Open Air festival. - The Deathmarch continues as Marduk is back on the road touring in Europe during late August into September. - October sees the band finally arriving in Turkey for 3 shows. - The Deathmarch Tour brings the band back to South/Central America for selected shows in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia, Argentina and Brazil. - to celebrate 15 years of Marduk the band releases a limited edition live album entitled Warschau recorded earlier the same year in Poland. 2006 - Marduk headlines the Metalboat festival between Sweden- Finland as well as appearing on the Inferno Metal festival in Norway. - Imago mortis/A picture of death. Once again Marduk hits the road in Europe for 20 dates of violence. - During the spring the first four albums are being re issued. - Marduk returns to Finland for the Nummi Rock Festival and also do some other festivals in Germany and slowakia and finishing of the touring cycle of the year at the Hellflame festival, Osnabruck/ Germany. - A new massive 2 disc DVD Blood Puke Salvation is released on the 6th of October. - The band prepares for the recording of studio album nr 10. 2007 - Marduk enters the studio during Dec 2006/January 2007 as well as replacing drummer Emil with Lars Broddesson. - During February the band returns to Mexico for 3 festival appearances. - April sees the band touring in Russia and Ukraina. - During the same month fullenght album nr 10, entitled Rom 5:12 is unleashed and being hailed as the bands greatest album up to date by most of the media and fans alike. The Triumph of Death continues. - During the summer the band is doing selected festival appearances at festivals as Sweden Rock Festival, Metaltown Festival an the Waldrock Open Air. - During August Marduk for the first time marches across the continent known as Australia - In september the band do a handful of dates in Poland as a warm up infor the upcoming European Tour - November/December sees Marduk doing a crushing 30 date European tour including dates in most Western European countries and also for the first time the band plays the Baltic States.2008 - The Vanitas 2007/2008 Tour rages on as the band during January hits the Balkan for another 20 dates. Finally Marduk reaches countries as Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria to spread the plague. - At the begining of March Marduk participates at Europes biggest indoor metal festival, namely the Metal Mania in Katowice, Poland. - During the same month the band once again return to the shores of South America for shows in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. - At the end of April the classic albums Germania, Nightwing and Panzer Division Marduk are being reissued with bonus material and improved graphics. 3 albums that for a long time not have been available in most part of the world. - During the summer Marduk marches across Europe and appears at the following festivals Hellfest-France, Metalcamp-Slovenia, Kaltenbach-Austria, Allience Fest-Portugal and Summer Breeze-Germany - September sees the band returning to their loyal fans in Mexico for some selected shows. - Yet another blow is delivered in Europe when Marduk together with Morbid Angel and others are finishing 2008 with a 22 date tour during November/December. 2009 - The band spends the early months of 2009 prepearing and finalizing for the recording of studio album nr 11. - March sees the band plays the most Northern show they have done so far in Luleå, Sweden at the Trettio Minus Festival. - Summer 2009 sees Marduk doing the following festivals Stonehell Italy, Lorca Rock Spain and the Brutal Assault Festival in Czech Republic as well as headlining the Party San Festival in Germany where the band performs the whole Panzer Division Marduk album to celebrate 10 years since its release. - During the summer the band also enters the Endarker studio recording the 11th studio album to be entitled Wormwood. - In august the long awaited return to USA becomes a reality. The band did 3 selected East Coast dates. Which marks the bands first visit over there for 8 years. - The Blitzkrieg tour consisting of 15 shows in Poland takes place at then end of August and into mid September. At the 24th of the same month the 11th studio album Wormwood is let loose upon European soil, followed by its release during the begining of Oct for the rest of the world. - Marduk embarks on the Funeral Nation European tour consisting of 30 shows from the end of september until the end of October covering the Western and the Southern parts of Europe. - During November and December Marduk returns to the Shores of North America for a tour entitled US Plague 2009, 26 shows covering most of the States as well as the bands first dates in Canada. 2010 - The Funeral Nation Tour Part 2 begins right after the begining of 2010 as Marduk march across Europe focusing mainly upon the Balkans as well some selected apperances in Germany, Austria, Benelux, Ireland and the UK. Ending in February after 29 shows. - During April the band goes far north in Sweden to appear at the House of Metal Festival as well as headlining the Inferno Festival in Norway. - In April the band also marches South, once again returning to the loyal legions of South America and spearheading through Brasil and Argentina. Which is directly followed by a blow in the East as Marduk continues the crusade in Belarus and Russia during late April into May. - May also sees the band teaming up with Deicide and Vader to do a shorter tour under the monicker Unholy Titans. The package appears at the Metalfest Open Air Festivals in Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary and Czech Republic as well as some club shows in France, Italy, Slovenia and Poland. A two week successful run that is completed at the end of May.

