Cha Cha
AM444是上海音乐人ChaCha与阿姆斯特丹音乐人Jay.Soul在2010年底组成的,他们的首张EP《EYE WONDER》将于今年4月1号在庇护所发行。这是一张很随意的专辑,名字来自里面的一首歌“EYE WONDER”,人声部分是在ChaCha卧室里录制的,然后给Jay做混音。这是一张诞生在凌晨和黎明间的音乐集,所以更适合那些逃离白天喧嚣的夜生动物,关于疯狂派对后的虚脱,关于药物迷幻中的遐想,关于沉溺网络世界的不自控和想要冲破一切却越来越明显的无力。也许这更像是一种自言自语,当夜晚带来自由和迷乱,也同样带来挥之不去的孤独和被倾听的渴望,害怕寂静会吞噬一切,最后连歇斯底里的挣扎也变得悄无声息。我总在夜里一遍一遍听Jay的作品,旋律线在脑海中层出不穷,结缠在一起,那些时光所留下的记忆就是一盏台灯,和灯下自说自话的自己,一边不顾一切的想要逃避,一边写下那时的心情。凌晨四点四十四分,希望一切都会终止。AM444 is the new project by local vocalist ChaCha (Sub-Culture, Uprooted Sunshine) and Dutch producer Jay.Soul aka The Groove Architect. After years of thoughts, discussions and drunken promises, the pair have finally been in the studio for the past few months and have come up with some of the freshest and most exciting music to come out of Shanghai for a while.Their debut release, entitled Eye Wonder, is a jazzy, funked up, dubbed out sonic assault on all who dare to stand in its way. From the deep grooves of ‘Sheng Jing Mo Shao’ to the full on digital-bomb ‘Ni Wen Wo Ba’, Eye Wonder is a landmark release for Chinese underground music.Everyone who attends the launch party will receive a copy of the 8 track cd, and we will also unveil the new AM444 music video produced by Fly Films!