Paula DeAnda
Born in San Antonio, TX, Paula DeAnda grew up listening to Selena and other female vocalists, often performing their songs with her cousins at family gatherings. Soon she started taking piano lessons and singing around town, both as a soloist and as a backup vocalist. In 2002, DeAnda's family decided to move to Corpus Christi in order to further her career, and once there the young singer met manager Ed Ocanas, who arranged for her to record the first piece she wrote, "What Would It Take," and get it on local airways. Shortly after that, DeAnda went to the studio with producer Happy Perez for her second single, "Doing Too Much," a song that eventually made it into the Billboard Top 40 in early 2006. That caught the attention of record executive Clive Davis and an audition was arranged, resulting in DeAnda being signed to Arista offshoot J Records. Her debut album was released in the summer of that same year. Paula DeAnda,美国女歌手,16岁出道,单曲Doing Too Much获得成功。现有同名专辑《Paula DeAnda》,歌曲风格以R&B为主。是一位颇具潜质的乐坛新秀。 谈到自己早期所受到的音乐熏陶,Paula 回忆起Selena,Shania Twain,LeAnn Rimes这些著名的艺人,她常在家庭聚会上演唱他们的歌曲。“Selena对我的鼓励很大,因为她的个性。她唱歌、创作、表演,忠实于自己的家人并于之保持亲密的关系。这是其他人所没有的超凡魅力和个人才华。我还记得自己用发刷当麦克风来演唱,” Paula笑着说,“侄女们给我伴舞。我用英文和西班牙演唱,家人对我音乐才能的认可极大地鼓舞了我,我开始学习钢琴,并且在一些婚礼和当地的慈善活动中献艺。我开始听取观众的反馈,我的演唱真正感动了他们。我从来没有意识到自己的音乐有如此大的魅力。人们告诉我,我拥有上帝的宠爱。” 2002年,Paula一家从德克萨斯州的San Angelo搬迁到了Corpus Christi,一个音乐新人类聚集的中心。Paula在那里继续她的音乐之旅。 在接下来的几年里,Paula和圈内的诸多音乐人和制作人一起打拼。据说,当时Paula遇到了现在的经理人Ed Ocanas,来自E.D.O. Entertainment公司。Paula被安排到Nelly, Akon, Frankie J 和说唱巨星Baby Bash的演唱会上作开幕演出。2005年,她获得了再Corpus Christi市著名的Bayfest音乐节上演唱的机会。“演出中我演唱了自己写的第一首歌What Would It Take,随后我将它录制下来,” Paula回忆说。这首歌由当地的一家独立厂牌发行,开始在电台播放。但另外一首与Baby Bash合作的单曲Doing Too Much,才是我事业的转折点。经理人将他们介绍给了Corpus Christi市另一家声名日盛的流行音乐电台。 从小就充满着表演欲的Paula,常常拿着梳子当麦克风,请她的表姊弟们当伴舞,自己在家人面前当主唱载歌载舞起来,出生德州却流有拉丁血统的Paula,以英文或是西班牙文唱出属于自己的调调。习得一手好琴艺的Paula,开始在婚礼宴会以及慈善表演场地秀出拿手绝活,经众人怂恿之下,Paula同时展现迷人歌唱长才,获得好评回应,Paula渐渐对自己舞台演唱展现出更具大将之风的自信。Paula开始跟一些歌手/制作人共事并参与音乐写作,担任尼力、阿肯..等人巡演嘉宾,随後被Arista相中签入旗下筹备首张个人专辑。