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Carlos Baute

委内瑞拉歌手/歌曲作者, 演员,舞蹈家Carlos Baute涉及流行音乐是在他加入一个名为los Chamos的当地乐队以后开始的。作为演员,他的首演是在拉丁肥皂剧Destino de Mujer中扮演一个角色。1994年,Carlos Roberto Baute Jiménez签约作了一名major label并且制作了一张名为Orígenes I 的加勒比黑人的唱片。第二张专辑,名为Orígenes II,随后于1997年,制作了热门单曲唱片“Te Quise Olvidar”。在成功的发行了Yo Nací Para Quererte 和2001's Dame de Eso(专辑中包括拉丁热门流行单曲"El Angelito") 以后,Carlos Baute成为了在委内瑞拉和西班牙地区顶级畅销的歌手。 by Drago BonacichVenezuelan singer/songwriter, actor, and dancer Carlos Baute started getting involved in popular music after joining a local band called los Chamos. In the acting field, his debut came while playing a role in the Latin soap opera Destino de Mujer. In 1994, Carlos Roberto Baute Jiménez signed up to a major label and made an Afro-Caribbean record titled Orígenes I. A second album, called Orígenes II, followed in 1997, featuring the hit single "Te Quise Olvidar." After releasing the successful Yo Nací Para Quererte and 2001's Dame de Eso, which included the Latin pop hit "El Angelito," Carlos Baute became a top-selling artist in Venezuela and Spain.

