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Mario Frangoulis

不必急着逃离城市,因为有人可以唱蓝天、大海的声音给你听…蓝色,是马利欧声音的颜色…被媒体评为“湛蓝美声”的新世代男高音马利欧(Mario Frangoulis)就来自希腊,除了外型具备流行巨星般的俊帅迷人外,更具备一副不可多得的好嗓子。虽然一直到今年10月底,马利欧才要发行全球首张专辑《湛蓝美声Sometimes I Dream》,但其实马利欧的演出经验相当丰富,早在之前马力欧就与希腊国宝级艺人“娜娜”和世界级女高音“黄英”、大陆天王级歌手刘欢同台演出,并展现出惊人的歌唱实力。说来有趣,马利欧专辑的中文名称前前后后,总共改了3次才定案。最早《Sometimes I Dream》本要翻成“片刻神游”或“我梦想”,但总觉得无法将马利欧独树一格的特质发挥出来﹔后来干脆扬弃了照英文译名直翻的局限,而从马利欧音乐的声音本质去联想,很强烈的印象立即呈现─“湛蓝美声”于焉诞生。马利欧《湛蓝美声》,在马利欧的全球行程中,亚洲部分中会造访3个城市,进行新专辑《湛蓝美声》的宣传工作。目前台湾也被遴选为其中一站,这对于本地的乐迷来说真是个好消息,也代表了台湾在跨界美声方面的唱片市场,受到国外极大的重视。值得一提的是,一般来说,世界级的“古典”艺人大多都是经发片一年半载成名后,才会到亚洲甚至台湾进行宣传工作。但马利欧不同,他会是首位发片一个月就会造访台湾的古典艺人,我们可以强烈感受到马利欧本人以及新力音乐对于亚洲地区的重视。另外,这也符合了美国传媒对马利欧的评语与想法:“马利欧是前所未有的,他不同于安德列波伽利或乔许,他不是闭塞的、会被安全限制在厅堂中的歌手,这并不是说他无法登入大雅之堂,相反的,除了音乐厅的制式化外,更适合马利欧的舞台,显然是在没有空间限制的室外环境,一如他源自希腊、海天一色的无边无际,方能将他自由奔放、没有压迫感的湛蓝美声发挥尽致。”Greek tenor Mario Frangoulis established a strong following at home before teaming with Sony Classical to expand his audience to international proportions. Born in Rhodesia, a region of south-central Africa that would later become Zimbabwe, Frangoulis moved to Greece at age four. Raised by his aunt, he left home at age 17 to study acting at London's Guildhall School of Music and Drama. During his years of schooling, when he was performing in such productions as Les Misérables and The Phantom of the Opera in London's West End, Frangoulis began making a slow transition toward opera singing. He moved to New York to study for three years at the Julliard School of Music and also studied with legendary tenor Alfredo Kraus. Following his years of study, Frangoulis began performing extensively, in everything from roles in films and television to theatrical productions of Greek tragedies and Shakespere. He also pursued a recording career, beginning a high-profile relationship with Sony Classical in 1998. He topped the charts at home in Greece and extended his reach internationally in 2002 with Sometimes I Dream, an album that infused elements of rock, pop, and film music as well as opera.

