sunkis 宋秉勤
「sunkis 宋秉勤」这位还未有人知道的神秘男孩正在用自己的方式来诠释R&B,在一年前以个人身分发窗体曲《Lemme go》虽然未造成轰动,但已吸引圈内高手注意。金曲才女孙盛希的主动邀约发表了合作歌曲《不要让我后悔 / Realer Love》与好友ØZI的相挺合力做出《JUST DO YOU》,温暖的声音在其他强烈的歌手表现下反而凸显了个性,并未被其强势的合作歌手盖过个人特质,在情欲与侵略性占多数的R&B世界中,sunkis正在使用另一种方式来表达自己的爱。 同为R&B创作歌手,其创作能力完全无需它人代劳,反而也能替其他歌手写出更具音乐性的R&B旋律,诠释出自己独特的风格。而sunkis在这音乐类型中刚好就是那位充满温暖的温柔男子,现在他准备出来创造出另一种R&B的欣赏方式,一种温柔的浪漫。 一位刚来台湾发展的男孩甚至连中文都还有些生涩,因为如此创作出来的歌曲,让人感受出可爱真诚的一面,这就是sunkis对世界表达的特色,从文字中即可感受到sunkis的个性,愿意在歌中表达自己的害羞,与ØZI的R&B诠释方式有完全不同的感觉。 个人专辑的计划中大部分歌曲皆由自己创作,呈现出的价值观并不需要再拿出R&B的情色与侵略性,虽然有自信,但看见喜欢的人还是会害羞,如果被伤害还是会难过,自信在旋律,纯情在文字的结合,让今年诞生温柔系R&B「sunkis 宋秉勤」。 Born in San Francisco in 1998, Chris Sung spent most of his childhood in the Bay Area and moved to Taiwan for high school in 2012. He has now returned back to Taiwan to pursue a career in music as sunkis. Despite majoring in Econ in college, sunkis possesses many surprising artistic talents: he has a solid foundation in contemporary jazz hip hop and ballroom dance, and almost pursued a career in dance instead. He cites various American R&B artist such as Pink Sweat$, Kehlani, and Frank Ocean as his songwriting inspirations, along with 88rising’s lofi artist keshi and Grammy-nominated hip hop artist Ty Dolla $ign. He independently released his first single “Lemme go” in 2019, when his talents as a songwriter were first discovered. Although the song wasn’t considered a hit, sunkis caught the attention of many in-house artists. His warm voice caught the attention of Golden Melody award winner, Shi Shi Sun, who asked for a collaboration. In “Realer Love”, a R&B ballad co-written with Shi Shi Sun, sunkis showcases his emotional sincerity. He is diverse in his music genres as evident in his featured West Coast style track with ØZI, “JUST DO YOU” — his playful attitude giving the song an extra groove. Though he isn’t quite fluent in Mandarin just yet, sunkis’ slightly awkward American accent and androgynous look has become part of his charm. This endearing young artist is paving his own path into the world of R&B. Instead of the usual explicit sexual content present in most R&B tracks, sunkis chooses to sing about old fashion romance and relatable heartaches. His audience knows he is expressive and sincere. This year sunkis is officially debuting and finding his unique voice in this saturated industry. While still relatively unknown, sunkis’ journey as an artist official starts this year and he is definitely one to keep your eyes on!