Anton Bruckner资料,Anton Bruckner最新歌曲,Anton BrucknerMV视频,Anton Bruckner音乐专辑,Anton Bruckner好听的歌

Anton Bruckner

小简介\r 安东·布鲁克纳 (Anton Bruckner,1824-1896),奥地利作曲家及管风琴家,生于安斯斐尔登,十一岁学习风琴和音乐理论,十三岁入教堂唱诗班,二十四岁任教堂管风琴师。作有九部交响曲和大批宗教乐曲,其中第四交响曲(《浪漫主义》)和第七交响曲颇为著名。其交响曲往往带有浓厚的宗教色彩和显著的管风琴音响效果,把对宗教的信仰,体现到极宏伟的音乐形式之中。   他不满足于一般的和声配器手段,而是借鉴新浪漫主义的成就(特别是瓦格纳的音乐),利用瓦格纳改革的纯外在特征:激情、处理的细腻和鲜明的配器手段,而不是通过诗、文学或造型艺术的题材起作用。其交响乐风格从贝多芬出发,复调方面从巴赫出发,同时还把交响乐的传统技法同古代众赞歌的因素结合在一起。这些特点使得他与同时代的勃拉姆斯的风格有相似之处,但不如后者的音乐有那么大的影响。近年来,好像已经过了时的布鲁克纳交响乐,又重新在音乐厅响起。严肃的作品使听众从中得到美的感受,在西欧日益引人注目。 \r \r by Blue Gene Tyranny\r An Austrian composer of orchestral, chamber, keyboard, sacred vocal music, and several symphonies, who was influenced by Wagner. Bruckner was a deeply religious man. Often misunderstood and under-programmed in his lifetime, this mysteriously retiring, reticent composer of simple, rustic tastes amazed audiences with his improvisatory skill on the organ. He created nine symphonies of absolutely unique form and expression that speak of an awe of nature. Their flowing sense of development leads into the most unexpected imaginary zones, with thematic material (often drawn from the dances and folk tunes of his homeland) sometimes suddenly reappearing in disguised and metamorphosed visage.\r

