Few artists have created a body of work as rich and varied as Staygold. The band consists of Carli L昀 and M渀猀 Glaeser and during the '00s, they emerged as one of the most singular talents of the rock & roll era, capable of seamlessly tying together pop, funk, disco and hip-hop. Not only have they released a groundbreaking single, Backseat. They also produce tracks and write songs for many other artists such as Robyn, Spank Rock and Mapei. Staygold have recorded hundreds of songs that still lie unreleased in their vaults. With each single they have released, Staygold have shown remarkable stylistic growth and musical diversity, constantly experimenting with different sounds, textures, and genres. \r \r Occasionally, their music can be maddeningly inconsistent because of this eclecticism, but their experiments frequently succeed; no other contemporary artist can blend so many diverse styles into a cohesive whole. With the performance at the P3 Gold Awards, they got a huge breakthrough with their tour de force of sex and music. The performance attracted a huge attention from media and the blogg community. \r The current single Wallpaper is doing very well.\r Staygold's album Rain On Our Parade is a solid pop- dancealbum and was released on November 23rd, 2012.